
Notice for Election of Supervisor and Treasurer

The filing period for the following offices will be open from December 31, 2024 to January 14, 2025, 5:00pm.

Election for:

  • Supervisor "B" - 3-year term
  • Treasurer - 2-year term

Filing materials and information are available from the Township.  If interested, please contact:

Lori Noreen                                                                                                          Bridgewater Township Clerk                                                                              P.O. Box 246                                                                                                          Dundas, MN 55019                                                                                              507-645-1656                                                                                          

Absentee Voting Hours for the March 2025 Township Elections run from Friday, February 7th through Monday, March 10th 2025.  Bridgewater Township and Rice County voters can vote by mail or in person at the Property Tax and Elections Office in the Rice County Government Services Building located at 320 Third St NW, Faribault, MN 55021 during the following times:

-8am-4:30pm Monday-Friday, from February 7th - March 7th                      -10am-12pm Saturday, March 8th                                                            -8am-5pm Monday, March 10th

Please note the Property Tax & Elections Office will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day.

Absentee Ballot Applications are available at or by calling Rice County Elections at 507-332-6104, or emailing

Cover of a Township record book

Town Hall Office Hours

Monday - By Appointment

Tuesday - By Appointment

Wednesday - 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Thursday - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Friday - Closed

Upcoming Events

February 27, 2025
  • Bridgewater Planning Commission Meeting

    February 27, 2025  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

About the Bridgewater Community

Bridgewater Township is a small rural community located in the Northeast corner of Rice County, Minnesota, roughly 30 miles south of Minneapolis-St. Paul. 
The area was first settled in 1844, and Bridgewater was officially organized as a township by the Rice County Board of Commissioners in 1858. While living close to the cities of Northfield, Dundas, and Faribault — and major metropolitan shopping and entertainment offered by the Twin Cities — our residents enjoy the benefits of a rural lifestyle in a largely agricultural community. 
Bridgewater Township is governed by the traditional township form of government. Patterned after the English town meeting style of government, township government embodies the ideal of grassroots democratic participation envisioned by the nation’s founders. In Minnesota, townships are the traditional rural unit of government. Minnesota has more townships than any state in the nation with 1,796 townships, and that form of government presently serves approximately one-fourth of the population of Minnesota. The board of supervisors is the governing body of the township, and is elected by direct ballot of eligible voters. There are currently five township supervisors who serve three-year terms. The township staff includes a Zoning Administrator, Treasurer, Clerk, and Road Superintendent. 
The primary responsibilities of Bridgewater Township include: care of township roads, planning and zoning for the township, proper conduct of elections, and participate with other units of government (cities, counties, townships) to cooperate with planning issues. A unique feature of Bridgewater Township includes the orderly annexation agreements currently in place with the City of Northfield and the City of Dundas. These agreements were forged to help direct future growth in sensible ways.